Invited Talks

  1. How could debunking biases in R&D decisions lead to more equitable health care? 2023 ASCPT Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA
  2. Decision-Making in Pharma Research & Development: Which Role Could Data Science Play in Making Better Decisions? 2022 Global Gators Meeting, Basel, Switzerland
  3. Career Opportunities for Scientists in the Pharmaceutical Industry, PhD Careers Beyond Academia Club Karolinska Institutet, Karolinska Institute, January 2022, Virtual Seminar 

  4. Leveraging plasma and urine concentrations to understand the pulmonary fate of inhaled drugs, 2021 ACCP Annual Meeting, September 2021, Virtual Meeting. 
  5. Pharmacometrics at Boehringer Ingelheim, Uppsala University, Department of Pharmaceutical Biosciences, May 2017, Uppsala, Sweden
  6. Tiotropium Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics - What are Drivers for Systemic Levels and Local Pulmonary Responses? Respiratory Drug Delivery 2016, April 2016, Scottsdale, Arizona
  7. Characterizing the pulmonary pharmacokinetics of inhaled drugs in humans: opportunities and limitations of empirical modeling & simulation, APS Workshop on Modulating the Pharmacokinetics of Inhaled Drugs, November 2015, Stevenage, UK
  8. The Pulmonary Fate of Inhaled Drugs – What Can We Learn From Plasma Pharmacokinetics?, 10th Global Gator Symposium: New Developments in Clinical Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacology, June 2015, Utrecht, The Netherlands
  9. Pharmacometrics in Clinical Drug Development, Christian-Albrechts-Univeristaet, Abteilung fuer Pharmazeutische Technologie und Biopharmazie, January 2015, Kiel, Germany
  10. Time-to-event models in clinical drug development, GPEN 2014, August 2014, Helsinki, Finland
  11. The Modified Chi-Square Ratio Statistic for Equivalence Testing of Aerodynamic Particle Size Distribution, Orlando Inhalation Conference, March 2014, Orlando, FL
  12. Introduction to Pharmacometrics, Christian-Albrechts-Univeristaet, Abteilung fuer Pharmazeutische Technologie und Biopharmazie, January 2014, Kiel, Germany
  13. Current and Future Statistical Approaches for Cascade Impactor Studies for Inhalation Products, AAPS Workshop: Inhaled Drugs Products: Current Practices and the Future of in vitro Testing Technologies and Regulation, September 2013, Rockville, MD
  14. Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Inhaled Drugs, Christian-Albrechts-Univeristaet, Abteilung fuer Pharmazeutische Technologie und Biopharmazie, January 2013, Kiel, Germany
  15. PKPD Modeling and Simulation, University of Southern Denmark, Department of Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy, December 2011, Odense, Denmark
  16. Bioequivalence of Orally Inhaled Drug Products - Comparative Analysis of in vitro Cascade Impactor Data, Food and Drug Administration, Center of Drug Evaluation and Research, October 2011, Silver Spring, MD  
  17. In vitro and in vivo methods for demonstration of bioequivalence of orally inhaled drug products with emphasis on inhaled corticosteroids, 2nd Annual CTSI Trainee and Pilot Award Research Day, Clinical Translational Science Institute, June 2011, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL